Week beginning 15th June

Good Morning Year 2
Welcome to another week of learning.

Please see your English and Maths activities for you to complete each day.
Please see your Science and 2 topic activities to be completed, you can choose when you would like to enjoy them.
Don’t forget you can also have a go at PE, Marvellous Maths, Phonics, Spanish and Home/Life Skills.
Try to do a little bit of learning each day, not forgetting your important Bread and Butter Learning.

Our word of the week this week is:
Bragging, being over proud, showing off.

Maybe you could include the word of the week when you write us your e-mail.

Please note that our maths lessons are currently behind the dates named on the White Rose Website.
Bread and Butter Learning

·         Read your home reader books, a book from the library or from home. Try to read a little bit every day. There are lots of books on Bug Club.
·         Practise reading and spelling all the common exception words, these can be found on the blog. Choose the Year 1/2 words or Year 3/4 words.
·         Practise all the sounds you have learnt in phonics. There are lots of resources for this on Twinkl, Phonics Play and YouTube.
·         Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Hit The Button is a great game to help you. There are also games on Education City to help.
·         Practise your handwriting and letter formation using our joined up, cursive handwriting style. There is a help sheet on the blog.

Education City – see updated home learning week beginning 15th June.

Monday/Day 1

In English this week we are going to be continuing to focus on the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Remind yourself of the story The 3 Billy Goats Gruff.
Think carefully about these points:
·         Who are the characters and what do we know about them?
·         Where are they going and why?
·         What happens at the beginning?
·         What is the dilemma?
·         How is the dilemma resolved?

Today, you are going to be creating a picture story map to retell the story. This will help you recap the story, learn the story and think about how a story is made.

Take a look at the WAGOLL example to give you some ideas.

Task: Can you create a picture story map of The 3 Billy Goats Gruff?

Our maths this week will focus on money skills including adding, giving change and problems involving money.

Today’s lesson focuses on addition with money.

Play Show me the money on your Education City home learning.

Watch today’s video.

Task: Can you complete Lesson 1?

How did you get on today? Try the extension challenge.


Tuesday/Day 2


Remind yourself of the story The 3 Billy Goats Gruff.
Think about what you like and would change about the story.

Today you are going to be thinking about your own version of the story.

Stuck for ideas? Try the Story Starter Machine on Education City.

Choose your characters and think about which habitat they would be best suited to. You could choose elephants crossing a river to the jungle, but the crocodiles are stopping them. You can change whatever you wish to about the story, the characters, setting and the dilemma. Tomorrow you will be writing the story in full so remember to add lots of detail to your picture story map. Remember to have a clear beginning, middle and end to your story. Play Sandy Stories on Education City to practise identifying the beginning, middle and end of a story.

Task: Can you draw a picture story map for your own version of The 3 Billy Goats Gruff?

Our maths today is all about finding the difference between 
amounts of money.

Play Star jumps on your Education City home learning to 
practise finding the difference by using a number line.

Watch today’s video.

Remember, you can use chips and peas; number lines; 
counters or similar resources to help you work out the 
difference between two numbers.

Task: Can you complete the worksheet for lesson 2?

How did you get on today? For an extra challenge, have a 
go at the extension task.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff story - A video for you to watch if you want to to remind you of the story.

Wednesday/Day 3

Today we are going to be writing out own version of The 3 Billy Goats Gruff story.
Start by reading through your picture story map. You could record your voice or even take a video of yourself to help you remember all you ideas.

Try to include super time adverbs to help sequence the story and make it flow along with similes, adjectives and conjunctions. Play Water Raider on Education City to practise using conjunctions and revisit how to extend sentences to add more information.

Use the Viking Voyage learn screen on Education City to practise sequencing events in a story.

Task: Can you write your own version of the story?
See if you can include the word of the week in your story.

Today we will practise finding and giving change.

Remember there are 100 pennies in one pound. Think carefully about your number bonds to 10 and 100 and this will help you solve the problems.

Play Hit the Button with number bonds to 10 and 100.

Watch today’s video.

Task: Can you complete Lesson 3?

How did you get on today? Try our extension challenge.

Thursday/Day 4

Today we are going to read a story about Knights and Dragons. Read the story, or listen to it being read carefully before you read the questions.
Choose your level of challenge.
Bronze: 1 star
Silver: 2 stars
Gold: 3 stars

Remember! Read, read and read again until you find the answer.
Task: Can you complete the Knights and Dragons reading comprehension?

Our maths today focusses on problems involving money. This lesson will use the skills that you have been practising over the last three days.

Complete these Education City tasks to recap.
She sells sea shells
Ice cream
Cash only
Choc and change
Penny sweets
Surf shack
All change
Squids in
Pocket money

Watch today’s video.

Task: Can you complete Lesson 4?

Did you get on well today? Maybe you could try the extension.

Friday/Day 5

For SPaG, from now until the end of term, you can choose to learn or revisit any of the Year 2 SPaG lessons (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar).
Lessons include:
-          Apostrophes for possession and contractions
-          Commas in a list
-          Compound nouns
-          Conjunctions
-          Adjectives
-          Suffixes
-          Nouns
-          Adverbs
-          Sentences
-          Homophones
-          Past and present tense.

Each week please choose just one PowerPoint and aspect of SPaG to focus on. There are questions and activities that can be completed on each PowerPoint. We have also included some extra challenge cards should you choose to complete them. These will be available for Friday SPaG lessons every week.

Well done for working so hard on your money problems this week.
Today is your chance to challenge your family again in the Family Friday maths challenge!


Let’s look back at the images of bridges we looked at last week.
Find out some more information about them including:
         Materials they are made from
         Their length
         Their geographical location
         The bridge style
Group the bridges according to one or more of these classifications and choose your own way to share your findings. You could make a PowerPoint, fact file, take photos, make drawings or even something else.

Task: Can you sort the bridges based on an interest of your choice?

This week our science lesson is about bridges. Today we will be constructing our own bridges.

Find out about the different shapes of bridges. Can you discover which shape and style is the strongest?

Draw a picture of a bridge that you plan to make using spaghetti and marshmallows. If you do not have these things you could use straws, sticks, play dough, blu tack or similar items.

When you are happy with the design of your bridge, have a go at making it.

How did it go?
What will you change to make it stronger?

Task: Can you make a spaghetti and marshmallow bridge?

Did you know that a man named Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a very famous engineer and built many bridges?

Read the information about Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Today you will be creating a fact file about Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Use the links and resources to find out about him and then create a fact file. You could use the fact file provided, use your computing skills or design your own thoughts for an interesting fact file full with information.

Task: Can you make a fact file about Isambard Kingdom Brunel?

Additional learning activities

Each week please choose just one Outdoor phonics challenge to focus on. These will be available for phonics each week.

Marvellous Maths
Have a go at some of the maths games to practise the skills that you have learnt during Year 2.

Work through this week’s Marvellous Maths PowerPoint and complete the problems.

Have a go at the Get Set 4 PE challenge called Add it on.
Join in with the superheroes PE lesson.

Let’s learn the names of farmyard animals in Spanish.

First, watch the video which explains how to say farmyard animal names in Spanish.

Now work through the PowerPoint and practise saying the Spanish words out loud.

Finally, if you can complete the Spanish animals word search.

Home/Life Skills
This week we are going to work on our cooking and/or baking skills.
You could help out in the kitchen when preparing lunch or dinner or even find a recipe book and make something new.

Task: Can you follow a simple recipe?

Have you ever wanted to earn a Blue Peter badge? Now is your chance! Have a look on this website and find out how you can be the proud owner of a very special badge.


Don’t forget to send us an e-mail every week to let us know how you are and share some of the fun activities that you have been learning about at home. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please note that we are now in school full time with Key Worker children and Year 1 children. As a result, replies to e-mails will be slightly delayed but we aim to respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding. 
Year 2 Team.


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