
Showing posts from March, 2020

A message from Mrs Peek

Hello Year 2, This would have been my last day at school with you before our Easter break so I just wanted to send you a message to say hello. I am missing you all, just the same as Miss Shipp and Mrs Brooks are, but I hope you are enjoying some special time at home with your families and keeping safe. The Whales know how much I like running and I have been using my daily exercise allowance to run around my home. I have found lots of new routes and have enjoyed the sparkly sunshine. I hope you are keeping fit too! As Miss Shipp has told you, the three of us have been working hard to find some exciting learning. We are finding different ways to communicate and we are learning quickly. Have you found new ways to keep in touch with your friends and family? Don't forget to keep up with the tasks on the blog and keep checking for updates. Just a reminder that Phonics Play (an online resource we use in school to practise our phonics) is free at the moment. Log in u...

A message from Miss Shipp

Good Morning Year 2! I hope you are all keeping well and safe at home. Mrs Brooks, Mrs Peek and I are all working from home today and thinking of some exciting activities that you can do, at home, after the Easter break. I'm sitting at my desk this morning with my cup of tea, Spanish book and my cat Lottie by my side. I am rather excited because her kittens are going to be born in 3 weeks time! We have already posted some activities that you might like to try at home over Easter. Don't forget to write your non-chronological report about your mini-beast this week. Hopefully we will soon have a way that you can send these to us to read. I would love to hear some of the exciting things you have been doing at home. Do you have any news to share? Leave a little comment and I will reply to you :) We are all missing you a lot but are glad that you are safe at home. Love from Miss Shipp x

RE work for next week

Please find below an Easter related RE activity you could try next week. Lent and Easter Can you explain why Easter is important to Christians? ·         Follow the link to learn about Lent and Easter - Lent and Easter pack ·         Can you design your own cross in an Aboriginal style?       Can you design you r own cross and collage or paint it. You could do this using scrap materials from around your house. ·         Can you draw your own Easter themed picture to show what you have learnt? We hope you enjoy having a go at this activity! Mrs Brooks, Miss Shipp and Mrs Peek.

Home Learning - Monday 30th March, Tuesday 31st March and Wednesday 1st April.

Home Learning week beginning   30 th March Hello Year 2! We are missing you all lots and hope you and your families are keeping safe. We would love you to tell us about the work you are doing at home on here by posting in the comments section. In this post we have set work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week as your Easter holidays start on Thursday. In an earlier post below we have given you some ideas of things to practise over the Easter holidays if you would like to do them too but you don’t have to. We will update the blog again with work ready for the first Monday back after the Easter holidays. Have a lovely weekend Mrs Brooks, Miss Shipp and Mrs Peek English Your English home learning activities are to: 1. Use  your non chronological report plan that you made to have a go at writing your report about your minibeast. Think carefully about capital letters, full stops, accurate spellings and best handwriting.  2. When you have f...

Hello from Mrs Brooks

Good morning Year 2 Hope you are all keeping safe and well at home. I am missing teaching you all! I would love to hear all about what you have been getting up to while we have not all been at school together. Feel free to leave me a little message to let me know.  Miss Shipp, Mrs Peek and I are getting a few activities ready for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week and we will upload these to the blog as soon as possible. I'll look forward to reading your messages. Enjoy the sunshine! Mrs Brooks 

Easter Revision Activities

Good Morning Year 2. We hope you are enjoying your learning at home. Next week is the normal 2 week Easter Holidays. We have some ideas to keep you busy and some activities that you can have a go at. Don't forget all of the brilliant online resources too! Spelling and Phonics: 1. Look at this worksheet. Can you order the days of the week starting from Sunday? Make sure you spell them correctly! 2. Look at this worksheet. Can match the months of the year with the correct season? Make sure you spell them correctly! 3. Log on to phonics play. Practise your sounds and tricky words. Maybe have a go at some of the other games too.  use the log on: march20 home English: 1. Keep a diary over Easter. Write down all the activities that you do over the holiday. You could even challenge yourself to include the time that you write in your diary or the time that you complete an activity. 2. Log on to Bug Club...

Leave a comment.

We hope you are enjoying some of the learning activities that we have been publishing. Don't forget you can leave a comment under each blog post to share what you have been doing. We would love to hear about your home learning :)

Home Learning week beginning 23rd March

English In class, the children have invented a brand new minibeast. They have already drawn, labelled and described their minibeast. Your English home learning activities are to: 1. Find out what a non-chronological report is. 2. Find out what the features of a non chronological report are. 3. Plan your non chronological report about your mini beast using a spider diagram. What sections will you include for example appearance, habitat, diet, special features etc In addition to this read a book on Bug Club and write a book review, practise your spellings and try some of the activities on Education City. Maths In class we have been learning about money. Your Maths home learning activities are to: 1) Make different amounts of money using different coins and notes. You can draw pictures of the coins and notes you have used. 2) Add up totals of money. You might want to use chips and peas (tens and ones) to help you. 3) Design a menu for a new café. Write the prices for the foo...

How we teach maths...


Spelling Lists



We are aware that some website are publishing timetables. We thought this might be useful for anyone who wishes to see what our normal timetable entails (edited slightly)

In the event of a school closure or for families self isolating

Dear Parents and Carers Given the current situation with Coronavirus and the possibility of school closures or families having to begin self-isolating we have tried to put together a list of activities and ideas you can do with your children at home. We are thinking of you all and sending lots of get well and keep well wishes. Please find below a list of possible activities for home learning over the next few weeks. We have tried to include a list of both on and offline activities for you to carry out with your child. ·         Our current topic is Wriggle and Crawl. Please look at this page to find the curriculum map and knowledge organiser ·         After the Easter holidays we will be moving on to our new topic Towers, Tunnel...

Weekly news

We have had a lovely, busy week in Year 2 with some exciting activities and really enjoyed all of our learning. In English we have read to the end of our Power of Reading book ‘Moth’ and written some book reviews about it. We have done some fantastic ‘Wonderful Writing’ (our weekly independent write) in role as one of the moths in the story. We really focussed on our handwriting and descriptions. In Maths we have continued our work on shapes and moved on to 3d shapes. We worked on counting faces, edges and vertices. Some of us found this a bit tricky so if you could help us with this at home it would be much appreciated. You could log in to Education City and have a go at some of the shape activities for Year 2 on there. We have been enjoying Science this week and have been investigating the best conditions for cress to grow. We are recording our results every day and making good observations. Our word of the week this week is camouflage and we have learnt about camoufla...

Reading Challenge


Weekly News

Notes and Reminders: -           Next week we are going to be conducting an experiment involving snails. If you do see any snails in your gardens or when you are out and about, please could you scoop them up and bring them into school for Monday! -           From next week the children will come home from school in their PE kits. Please can the children come to school on Friday morning dressed in their PE kits ready for the first lesson of the day. -           Home learning for this topic has been sent out in books that have been handed in. Please complete 4 pieces of learning with your child.   -           The World Book Day reading challenge deadline has been extended. -           Don’t forget our Word of the Week challenge, to earn...