Weekly news

We have had a lovely, busy week in Year 2 with some exciting activities and really enjoyed all of our learning.

In English we have read to the end of our Power of Reading book ‘Moth’ and written some book reviews about it. We have done some fantastic ‘Wonderful Writing’ (our weekly independent write) in role as one of the moths in the story. We really focussed on our handwriting and descriptions.

In Maths we have continued our work on shapes and moved on to 3d shapes. We worked on counting faces, edges and vertices. Some of us found this a bit tricky so if you could help us with this at home it would be much appreciated. You could log in to Education City and have a go at some of the shape activities for Year 2 on there.

We have been enjoying Science this week and have been investigating the best conditions for cress to grow. We are recording our results every day and making good observations. Our word of the week this week is camouflage and we have learnt about camouflage animals in Science. We looked at how creatures camouflage themselves and we had to design a creature to camouflage in our choice of location for our friends to find.

We have begun to practise our assembly which will take place on Thursday 19th March at 9.05 am in the lower school hall.  We have made a fantastic start but please help us to make sure we know our lines off by heart by Monday.

Have a lovely weekend

Year 2 team.


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