Home Learning - Monday 30th March, Tuesday 31st March and Wednesday 1st April.

Home Learning week beginning  30th March

Hello Year 2!

We are missing you all lots and hope you and your families are keeping safe. We would love you to tell us about the work you are doing at home on here by posting in the comments section. In this post we have set work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week as your Easter holidays start on Thursday. In an earlier post below we have given you some ideas of things to practise over the Easter holidays if you would like to do them too but you don’t have to. We will update the blog again with work ready for the first Monday back after the Easter holidays.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Brooks, Miss Shipp and Mrs Peek

Your English home learning activities are to:
1. Use  your non chronological report plan that you made to have a go at writing your report about your minibeast. Think carefully about capital letters, full stops, accurate spellings and best handwriting. 

2. When you have finished you can edit your writing, if you want to use a green pen or a different colour like we do in class you can. Try and make sure every sentence has a capital letter and full stop and Year 1 and 2 words are spelt correctly. See the link below for these.
3. Use the cursive handwriting sheet to practise 10 of the spelling words. This will help you practise your handwriting and your spellings. If you are in Mrs Whitlock, Mrs Weston and Mrs Longcroft’s phonics groups concentrate on Year 1 and 2 words. If you are in Mrs Brooks and Miss Shipp’s group you might want to try some of the Year 3 and 4 words.

Try and do some reading either a school or home book and make a note of what you have read and have a go at an Education City activity. Don't forget you can log into Bug Club too.

Cursive handwriting sheet – individual letters

Year 1 and 2words - cursive handwriting

Year 3 and 4 words - cursive handwriting

In class we have been learning about money.
Your Maths home learning activities are to:
1) Complete the ‘Who has the most money?’ sheet. Choose if you want to do the Bronze, Silver or Gold challenge.

2) Play a game on  https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game
3) Make up a shop with some items from home. Can you add up totals of things you have bought and work out change from 50p, £1 and £2.

Who has the most money – Bronze, Silver and Gold




The link to this sheet is here https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-2547311-who-has-the-most-money-activity-sheet 

In class this would have been our last few days on our  ‘Wriggle and Crawl’ topic

Your topic home learning activity is to complete the Science activity below

1)     In Science we were going to learn about animals and their young.

Can you watch this video? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z8x76sg  

Can you think of 8 animals, draw a picture of them and find out the name of their young? I wonder if you can find any unusual ones to teach the rest of us! Please add a comment below!
You could sort your animals into egg born animals and animals born alive.

We hope you enjoy doing these activities. Remember to look at all the online activities and games too.

Mrs Brooks, Miss Shipp and Mrs Peek


  1. Hi, it's Ellis. I found out that a baby grasshopper is called a Nymph and a baby falcon is called an Eyass or chick. Awesome names!

  2. Great work Ellis! These certainly are awesome names for baby animals! Well done for finding such interesting examples. Mrs Brooks :)

  3. Hi, I read about some animals and found out that a baby rat is a pup, a baby snake is a snakelet, a baby owl is an owlet and a baby sloth is called a baby sloth!!


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