Weekly News
Weekly News Our first week back to school after half term has been rather busy and exciting! We have a new Power of Reading Book but are yet to find out the title or what it is all about. The first page is blank except from a small picture in the corner. Through careful observation, we decided it is a picture of a moth. We then looked at a picture of a moth and wrote some noun-phrases to describe how it looks. “The small, speckled moth.” “The black and white moth.” We also started looking at the four different word classes that we have been learning about this year; nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. In our colour groups, we sorted a range of words into groups. We have also started to learn about the features of fiction and non-fiction books. When we read together., you could ask us what type of book we are reading and how we know In maths we have continued to recap our learning about time. We also started to try some time word problems, addin...