Weekly news

We have had a very busy week in Year 2 and done some super learning. We have been very focussed on our work and tried hard to be both aspirational and resilient.

Thank you so much to all the adults who came to our internet safety café on Monday morning. We really enjoyed it and hope you did too. Thank you for all your lovely positive comments.

In English we have been learning about diary entries and their key features. We have learnt about the past tense and how to use this. We have written some fantastic diary entries for our own day and also written an independent diary as a Victorian school child using some great descriptive language.

In Maths we have carried on our work on telling the time and consolidated our understanding of o’clock, half past, quarter to and past as well as working on time to the nearest five minutes. We would really appreciate it children could continue to practise this over the holidays especially o’clock, half past and quarter to and past times.

In RE this week we have continued our work on Judaism and learnt about the Tu B’ Shevat festival. This is the festival of new year of trees. We made our own trees and  thought about different types of trees, what trees give us and if trees could talk what they would say.

In our topic work we have learnt about schools in the past and compared these to schools today. We did some fantastic drama work where we acted out a Victorian school scene. On Thursday we had a great time with our teachers in role as Victorian school Ma’am’s. We took part in the three R’s Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. We went onto the playground to do drill activities and play Victorian playground games and drew excellent portraits of Queen Victoria using careful observation skills. Thank you to all parents and carers for your support with costumes for our day.

We are really impressed with the quality of the home learning that has been sent in this half term and have really enjoyed marking this. Well done to all the children for their hard work.

Please ensure you have practised all the half term’s spellings as there will be a quiz on these when we return to school after the holidays.

Don’t forget we have our Mini Monsters visit on 26th February so please ensure you have made your contribution on Wisepay.

Have a really wonderful half term break and thank you again for all your support.

The Year 2 team.


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