
Showing posts from June, 2019

Weekly News

We have had a fun and busy week in year 2. In English we were looking at facts about crocodiles and making factual posters showing what we had discovered and what we already knew. We found out some very interesting things, such as they have up to 64 teeth. That must take a very long time to clean each evening before bed! In maths we were looking at money, specifically giving change. We realised that it is the same as subtraction, so used our chips and peas method. We then used coins to give the correct change for items bought in our year 2 shops. We have also looked at what made Grace Darling such a brave girl. She lived in the Victorian era, and, when a young girl, saved nine lives by rowing out in the stormy North Sea after a boat had crashed on to the rocks near her father’s lighthouse. The highlight of the week for many of us was going to the Royal Norfolk Show on Thursday. This was an amazing event and gave us all the chance to experience something new: f...


We really enjoyed learning about lighthouses and why they are important to ships. We then went on to make our own lighthouses using a range of art materials. We were very collaborative and focussed. 

Forest School

We are really enjoying our Forest School sessions. This week we completed lots of different activities including; making clay models, making miniature gardens, bug collecting, hanging up hammocks (and having a snooze!), and making things from sticks and wool.
We have had a fun and varied week in Year 2.   In English, we have been studying playscripts.   Firstly by reading through and acting out a fairy tale using a script, then writing our own, based on the story we are currently reading, How To Find Gold.   We had the writing cafĂ© on Tuesday morning, it was so great to see so many parents there, looking at the way we work in English.   There were some wonderful poems written about our special people. In maths we have been revisiting addition to secure our knowledge of adding two-digit numbers together. On Wednesday we designed our own patterns for flags, then made the designs on polystyrene by engraving on to them using a pencil.   We then printed these on to paper and made our own flags.   On Thursday we made our own lighthouses and studied how electrical circuits work to make a light shine. We are all really looking forward to the Royal Norfolk Show next week, just hoping the weather stays fine ...
This week, in English we did some role play, where the children explored an illustration of Anna and Crocodile swimming underwater in their search for gold. They worked in groups to make their own freeze-frame of their favourite part of the illustration. They then acted these out and performed to the class. Later in the week the children worked in groups of 3 to create their own underwater scene using watercolour. They thought about what they would see underwater and had some amazing ideas. In English, they then used their paintings to write a diary entry, about their ‘underwater adventure.’ In geography the children learnt about the five oceans of the world. We sang a lovely song to help us remember called ‘There are 5’. In History the children learnt the names and facts of ten famous sea explorers. They worked together to make a timeline of their lives. In maths the children have been learning about capacity and have been measuring liquid in ml using different s...

First week back

Welcome back after half term! We started this week with an exciting visit from a children’s book author called Paeony Lewis, she spoke to the children about how she became an author and where her ideas for stories came from. In English this week the children have read some more of their new Land Ahoy topic book- ‘How to Find Gold.’ The children wrote a story using their treasure maps which they made a few weeks ago about the journey they took to find their gold. They then created their own sea monster using junk modelling which they then wrote a fact file about. In Maths this week we have been learning about number bonds from 10 to 20. The children were learning associative facts, for example; if they know that 7+3= 10 then they should know that 17+3=20 or 1+9=10 then 11+9=20. For Geography we explored the capital cities of the UK and labelling a map of the UK to show this. In science we have been looking at what plants need to grow. The children planted the...