We have had a fun and varied week in Year 2. In English, we have been studying playscripts. Firstly by reading through and acting out a
fairy tale using a script, then writing our own, based on the story we are
currently reading, How To Find Gold. We
had the writing café on Tuesday morning, it was so great to see so many parents
there, looking at the way we work in English.
There were some wonderful poems written about our special people.
In maths we have been revisiting addition to secure our
knowledge of adding two-digit numbers together.
On Wednesday we designed our own patterns for flags, then
made the designs on polystyrene by engraving on to them using a pencil. We then printed these on to paper and made
our own flags. On Thursday we made our
own lighthouses and studied how electrical circuits work to make a light shine.
We are all really looking forward to the Royal Norfolk Show
next week, just hoping the weather stays fine for us. Please could you provide a packed lunch for
your child, put in a plastic bag (to cut down the weight), in a rucksack or
other bag they can carry themselves all day.
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