First week back
Welcome back after half term!
We started this week with an exciting visit from a children’s
book author called Paeony Lewis, she spoke to the children about how she became
an author and where her ideas for stories came from. In English this week the
children have read some more of their new Land Ahoy topic book- ‘How to Find
Gold.’ The children wrote a story using their treasure maps which they made a
few weeks ago about the journey they took to find their gold. They then created
their own sea monster using junk modelling which they then wrote a fact file
In Maths this week we have been learning about number bonds from
10 to 20. The children were learning associative facts, for example; if they
know that 7+3= 10 then they should know that 17+3=20 or 1+9=10 then 11+9=20.
For Geography we explored the capital cities of the UK and
labelling a map of the UK to show this. In science we have been looking at what
plants need to grow. The children planted their own cress seeds which have been
left to grow in different places around the school and the children made
predictions about which place they think is best and why.
The children have been practicing their pirate dance, which they
will perform at the summer fair next Friday!
In a few weeks’ time the children will be making their own
lighthouse model. We would appreciate if you could bring in some kitchen/toilet
rolls and newspaper.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 2 team.
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