Week beginning 1st June
Good Morning Year 2
Welcome to another week of learning.
Please see your
English and Maths activities for you to complete each day.
Please see your
Science and 2 topic activities to be completed, you can choose when you would
like to enjoy them.
Don’t forget
you can also have a go at PE, Marvellous Maths, Phonics, Spanish and Home/Life
Try to do a
little bit of learning each day, not forgetting your important Bread and Butter
Our word of the
week this week is:
timid, shaking or quivering slightly
Maybe you could
include the word of the week when you write us your e-mail. Try to use the word
of the week in your tunnel adventure story.
Please note that our maths lessons are currently behind
the dates named on the White Rose Website. For this week’s learning please see
the Summer Term Week 5 (w/c 18th May) starting with Lesson 1 – Multiplication
Sentences using the x symbol.
Bread and Butter
Read your home reader books, a book from the library or from home. Try
to read a little bit every day. There are lots of books on Bug Club.
Practise reading and spelling all the common exception words, these
can be found on the blog. Choose the Year 1/2 words or Year 3/4 words.
Practise all the sounds you have learnt in phonics. There are lots of
resources for this on Twinkl, Phonics Play and YouTube.
Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Hit The Button is a great
game to help you. There are also games on Education City to help.
Practise your handwriting and letter formation using our joined up,
cursive handwriting style. There is a help sheet on the blog.
Education City
– see updated home learning week beginning 1st June
Monday/Day 1
This week, our English
lessons are all going to be based on ‘The Great Escape’.
Your task today is going
to be finding out about The Great Escape so that you can complete the rest of
this week’s lessons.
What do you
think about when you hear the words ‘The Great Escape’? Who might be escaping? Where are they
escaping from? Why are they escaping?
Task: Can you read about The Great Escape and answer
the questions?
You could use the internet with your adult to find out more if you
would like to.
Can you
remember what this maths symbol is? X
How many other
ways can we describe this symbol? X
Let’s recap
multiplication today. We are going to revise arrays, repeated addition and
equal groups.
Can you
remember what an array is and what it helps us to do?
Arrays are
pictures that we can draw to help us solve multiplication problems. Normally
we draw circles or crosses like this:
2 x 3 = 6
We can also
say that this is 2 + 2 + 2 as repeated addition or
There are 2
equal groups of 3.
Can you play ‘PlayLive
Multiplication’ and ‘Field Goal’ on your Education City home learning?
Watch today’s video to
practise multiplication.
Can you complete Lesson 1?
How did you get on
today? Try our extension challenge.
Tuesday/Day 2
What did you
think of The Great Escape? I wonder how the prisoners would have felt and
what it would have been like to be there?
Have a look at
the picture. What does it make you think about? How does it make you feel?
Can you remember the 5
senses? Today you are going to be using your five senses to describe the
Look at your Education
City home learning. Play ‘Dancin’ in the drizzle’ to practise using words to
describe senses.
Imagine you
are there. What can you see? What could you touch and feel? What would you
smell? What might you be eating and what would it taste like? What can you
Task: Can you use
your five senses to describe the picture?
Maybe you
could include the word of the week: tremulous
Remind yourself about
arrays by working through the PowerPoint or print off the cards and play a
matching game to revisit arrays.
Watch today’s video to
find out more about Lesson 2, using arrays.
Can you play ‘Football
Mad’ on your Education City home learning to practise multiplication facts?
Task: Can you
complete Lesson 2?
How did you get on
today? For an extra challenge,
have a go at the extension.
Wednesday/Day 3
Think back to
the picture we looked at yesterday. Remind yourself of the writing you did
using the five senses.
Today you are
going to draw a picture of a prisoner. It could be yourself as a prisoner or
one of the prisoners from the photograph. Try to add lots of detail to your
drawing as this will help you with your writing.
Think again how the
prisoner would be feeling. What would they be wishing for?
Task: Can you draw a picture of yourself as one of the
prisoners and write adjectives, captions and sentences to describe your
thoughts, feelings and wishes?
Maybe you
could include the word of the week: tremulous
Today we are going to be
using our 2 times table to solve multiplication problems.
Remind yourself of the 2
times table by using the splat square. Remember, if you get stuck, you could
use whisper counting.
Now join in with the BBC
Supermovers workout to practise your 2 times table.
You could now practise
your 2 times table by playing hit the button. How many can you get before the
timer runs out? Remember, if you have 4 x 2, you
could count in 2s 4 times to find the answer: 2, 4, 6, 8!
Can you play
‘Multiplying by 2’ on your Education City home learning?
Watch today’s video to
find out more about Lesson 3.
Task: Can you complete
Lesson 3?
How did you get on
today? Try our extension challenge.
Thursday/Day 4
Today you are going to
be writing a diary entry as one of the prisoners from The Great Escape.
What do you
remember about The Great Escape? Maybe you could re-read the information to
refresh your memory and help you get into character.
Work through the
PowerPoint about how to write a super diary. Try to include as many features
from the PowerPoint as you can.
When you are writing
your diary, it might be helpful to have the checklist with you to remember
the super diary features.
carefully about your 5 senses, perfect punctuation, amazing adjectives and
super similes!
Task: Can you write a
diary entry as one of the prisoners from The Great Escape?
Today we are going to be
using our 5 times table to solve multiplication problems.
Remind yourself of the 5
times table by using the splat square. Remember, when we count in 5s, the
numbers always end in a 0 or 5.
Join in with the BBC
Supermovers workout to practise your five times table.
Can you play
‘Multiplying by 5’ on your Education City home learning?
You could now practise
your 5 times table by playing hit the button. How many can you get before the
timer runs out? Remember, if you have 4 x 5, you
could count in 5s 4 times to find the answer: 5, 10, 15, 20!
Watch today’s video to
find out more about Lesson 4.
Task: Can you complete
Lesson 4?
Friday/Day 5
Today we are going to be
learning about suffixes.
What is a suffix?
What do you already
Can you think of any
Have a look at your
Education City home learning. Look at the Learn Screen ‘Little Hikes’.
Watch the videos to
learn about different suffixes and words that you might see them in. There
are 2 videos of just under 4 minutes each.
You could have a go at making
the suffixes fortune teller game.
Task: Can you complete
the Suffixes sheet?
A couple of weeks ago, it would have been our school Sports Day.
Today we will have a mini Sports Day linking to our Friday Position and
Direction maths topic.
What vocabulary can you remember? Think back to the ‘Cha Cha Slide’.
Have a look on your Education City home learning and try “Chalk the
plank” and “Maze directions.”
Can you set up an obstacle course in your house or garden? You could
use chairs, chalk markers, cushions, tins, boxes and/or much more! You can
make your obstacle course as easy or challenging as you would like.
Think carefully about how you position different parts of your
course. Think about your vocabulary too. Your task today is to direct someone
around your obstacle course or follow directions you are given.
How about making it even trickier by using a blindfold!
Under the duvet. Over the cushion.
Turn left 90 degrees at the chair…
Task: Can you give
and follow directions?
This week we have been
learning about tunnels.
Let’s look at
The Euro Tunnel. It allows you to travel from England to France. But there is
a sea in the middle, how does the tunnel work? Why do the cars not get wet?
Today we are going to be
making a tunnel that can allow a toy car (or similar) to pass through it
without getting wet!
carefully about the materials that you might want to use for your tunnel.
Remember, the car can’t get wet so you will need consider waterproof
materials. The tunnel must be watertight and sturdy. Try different materials
and see which is best. You can choose how to display your results.
Have a look at your
Education City home learning and look at the ‘Material World’ Learn screen.
It might give you some ideas of thoughts!
Task: Can you design
a tunnel to allow a car to pass through it, underwater?
Today we are going to do
a mix of Geography, Maths and Science all rolled in to one lesson!
Let’s start by looking
back at our PowerPoint of tunnels from around the world. Which is your
favourite tunnel and why?
With an adult,
you can find out more information about these tunnels. Try to find out how
long they are and then order them according to their lengths. What did you
find out? What do you notice?
Using pictures
of the tunnels or simply the tunnel names, find a way of sorting them. You
could sort them based on their Geography, their use or something else. You
could sort them in multiple ways.
Task: Can you research
tunnels, order their length and sort them in different ways? Choose how you
wish to display your results and findings.
In art today, we are
going to be finding out about coats of arms and shields but you can choose
the task that you would like to complete when designing your own.
Go through the
PowerPoint to find out about Shields and Coats of Arms. This will give you
inspiration for designing your own.
Option 1: Think about things that are important
to you and your family. It could include favourite colours; foods; pictures;
places; etc. design your own coat of arms to represent your family. You could
choose to make it out of cardboard (from a cereal box, or similar) and
decorate it with paints or collage materials.
Option 2: Knights could be identified by their
shields when they were in battle. Their shields were all different but
represented each individual knight. Can you design your own shield that
represents you? Think about that colours that you like and pictures or
symbols that you would have on your shield.
Task: Can you design
a coat of arms or a shield?
Additional learning
Can you play your
phonics game and work through your adult’s PowerPoint?
Marvellous Maths
Can you play Whack a
mole to practise counting in different multiples? Remember to change the
‘steps of’ and ‘starting number’ to make it harder. Maybe you could have a go
at counting in 4s, 9s or 11s?
Can you work through the
PowerPoint and solve the problems?
Can you play Knee
Can you join in with
a Zumba lesson?
Can you remember how to
count or say different numbers in Spanish?
Watch the Spanish
numbers song and try to join in.
Practise saying and
spelling the numbers. Use the word mat to help you or print it and stick it
on the fridge to help you practise counting in Spanish.
Task: Can you complete
the Spanish numbers sheet?
Home/Life Skills
In our Street Detectives
topic, earlier in the year, we were learning about keeping our world safe and
Today you can find out
which items of rubbish can be recycled, and which items of rubbish go
Can you remember what
the word recycle means? Share your thoughts with an adult.
Have a look on your
Education City home learning. Look at your science ‘Think It’ questions about
Read the messy magpie
story and then play the rubbish sorting game.
Task: Can you help
your grownups to sort the rubbish?
Miss Shipp, Mrs Peek and Mrs Brooks:
Mrs Weston:
Mrs Whitlock:
Mrs Longcroft:
Don’t forget to send us an e-mail every week to let us know
how you are and share some of the fun activities that you have been learning
about at home. We look forward to hearing from you.
Year 2 Team.
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