Home Learning Week 2

Good Morning Year 2

Please find this week’s Home Learning activities for the week.
Try to complete an English and Maths activity each day as well as your Bread and Butter Learning.
Science, history and computing are your topic lessons to be completed.

Marvellous Maths will help to keep reminding your brain of the maths learning we have done throughout the year.
Phonics will help you with your spelling, reading and writing.
PE will help you to keep fit and healthy.
Home/Life skills is a little activity to help out at home.

The word of the week this week is…
(about to happen)

Remember to try to use this word in your writing and in conversations. Practise saying the word and spelling it too.

Home Learning Tasks
Resources and links
Bread and Butter Learning.
1.       Read your home reader books, a book from the library or from home. Try to read a little bit every day. There are lots of books on Bug Club.
2.       Practise reading and spelling all the common exception words, these can be found on the blog. Choose the Year 1/2 words or Year 3/4 words.
3.       Practise all the sounds you have learnt in phonics. There are lots of resources for this on Twinkl, Phonics Play and YouTube.
4.       Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Hit The Button is a great game to help you. There are also games on Education City to help.
5.       Practise your handwriting and letter formation using our joined up, cursive handwriting style. There is a help sheet on the blog.
1.       Bug Club: Bug Club link

3.       Phonics Play: username: march20, password: home Phonics Play link

Mr Thorne Network (for spelling, phonics and grammar)

4.       Hit the Button Link

5.       Online Handwriting Letter Join (updated log in information)

3 writing tasks

1 reading comprehension (a passage of texts with some questions to answer)

1 SPaG task (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
1.       Writing 1: Can you listen to the e-book story of Rapunzel and write a book review to share your thoughts on the story? (You can mute the volume if you would like to read yourself).
2.       Writing 2: Can you make some finger puppets of the characters in the story and write notes to help you use the puppets to retell the story to your family.
3.       Writing 3: Can you re-write the story in a style of your choice, e.g. an information text, a comic strip, a story map.
4.       Reading Comprehension: Can you choose your level of challenge, read the information about The Queen’s Birthday, and answer the questions?
5.       Can you work through the punctuation PowerPoint, completing a selection of tasks?

Bronze – 1 star
Silver – 2 stars
Gold – 3 stars

1.       Can you complete a Year 2 ‘Tricky Words’ wordsearch?
2.       Can you work through your phonics group resources?

(Miss Shipp, Mrs Peek/Mrs Brooks’ group)

(Mrs Weston’s group)

(Mrs Whitlock’s group)

(Longcroft’s group)
1.       Can you complete lesson 1, recognising a third?
2.       Can you complete lesson 2, finding a third?
3.       Can you complete lesson 3, unit fractions?
4.       Can you complete lesson 4, non-unit fractions?
5.       Can you complete lesson 5, equivalence of half and 2 quarters?

(remember to watch the videos and try the activities)

If you would like an extra challenge, try one of these Extension activities:
Extension 1 word problems
Extension 2 Mastery Activities

If you would like a poster or a fractions refresher, have a look at this Fractions Knowledge Organiser

For more practical ways of teaching and learning fractions, try some of these activities (they follow on from last week's practical activities.)

Marvellous Maths
1.       Can you work through the PowerPoint and complete the questions?
2.       Can you watch the videos about fractions?
3.       Can you play the Egyptian fractions game on Education City?
1.       Can you find objects that will stack?
2.       Host a competition to find out who can make the tallest tower, record your findings.
3.       Make the tower again with a wider base or narrower, how does this change the height of your tower? Record your answers.
Some resources to inspire ideas:
1.       Can you play the ‘Tails’ game?
2.       Can you take part in a Cosmic Yoga session?

1.       Look at pictures of castles from different time periods, such as; Saxon, Medieval, Tudor, etc.
2.       Print the pictures or draw your own on pieces of paper.
3.       Can you sequence the pictures to make a timeline of castles? You could use the washing line or lay the pictures out on a table.
1.       Can you use simple computing software or drawing apps to draw a picture of a castle?
2.       2. Can you add labels or notes to give detail about the castle?

Home/Life Skills
Can you help a grown up to sort the washing into colours, lights and darks? Help them to pack the washing machine and hang it out to dry.

Have fun with learning this week.

Remember to send us an e-mail to share your super learning or just to stay in touch!

Year 2 Team.


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