
Showing posts from April, 2020


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Good Morning Year 2. I know lots of you have been asking about Lottie and waiting patiently for her babies to arrive. On Friday morning Lottie went to the vets to have a special operation called a caesarean section to help her have her babies. She had three kittens but unfortunately one baby was too small and underdeveloped so sadly passed away. However, I brought home 2 darling kittens on Friday. Lottie is being a super mummy and loves her little kittens so much. She doesn't have enough milk to feed the kittens yet so I have to give them a bottle every 2 hours, even during the night! I have a slight dilemma, I haven't thought of any names for the kittens yet! Can you help think of some names? I'm not sure if they are girl or boy kittens so lots of suggestions would be great. Maybe they could have twin names like Sugar and Spice? Send me an e-mail or leave a comment with your ideas. I look forward to hearing your suggestions! Love from, Miss Shipp, L...

Home Learning Week 2

Good Morning Year 2 Please find this week’s Home Learning activities for the week. Try to complete an English and Maths activity each day as well as your Bread and Butter Learning. Science, history and computing are your topic lessons to be completed. Marvellous Maths will help to keep reminding your brain of the maths learning we have done throughout the year. Phonics will help you with your spelling, reading and writing. PE will help you to keep fit and healthy. Home/Life skills is a little activity to help out at home. The word of the week this week is… Imminent (about to happen) Remember to try to use this word in your writing and in conversations. Practise saying the word and spelling it too. Subject Home Learning Tasks Resources and links Bread and Butter Learning. 1.        Read your home reader books, a book from the library or from home. Try to read a little bit every day. T...

April Birthdays

We would like to wish our April Birthday children a very Happy Birthday! If you have celebrated your 7th Birthday this month we are sending you special birthday wishes, and hope that you enjoyed your special day. April birthdays, did you know you share a birthday month with The Queen? She had her 94th birthday on 21st April.

Word of the Week

In Year 2 we have enjoyed having a 'Word of the Week'. This is a 'big word' that the children may not be familiar with or know the meaning of...yet! The Word of the Week challenge is to be able to say the word, understand its meaning, find synonyms and practise spelling the word. We encourage the children to try to use this word, throughout the week, in their writing and in conversation. The Word of the Week this week is... intermittent occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady. Can you find synonyms for this word? (Remember, synonyms are other words that share the same meaning.) Have fun with words!

Home Learning week beginning 20th April

Good Morning Year 2 We hope you have had a restful Easter and have enjoyed some exciting activities at home. Please find, below, the home learning grid for this coming week. Our new topic for this term is, Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. The grid contains your Bread and Butter Learning, taken from our normal home learning sheets that are sent home each half term. We have also included 5 English and Maths activities, one for each day of the school week. Please also complete the two topic lessons and science activity. During the school week, we would also normally have Marvellous Maths, Phonics and PE lessons. We have included some suggested activities for these subjects should you wish to complete them. This time at home is a valuable opportunity for you to learn some new skills at home. Each week we will suggest a home or life skill that you could try with your grown ups. Don't forget you can send us your learning or a message once a week. Dolphins - dolphins@mulbartonpr...