
Showing posts from January, 2020

Weekly news

We have had another fantastic week in Year 2 and the children have been working very hard. In English this week we have been continuing our work on our Power of Reading book and the children have written some fantastic poetry. We learnt about rhyme, rhythm and repetition and tried to include these in our own poems called ‘Things I can do to help my world.’ We were impressed with children’s ideas and green pen editing. In Maths we have continued our work on data handling and have used data to answer questions. We have also learnt how to draw a block diagram thinking about the things we need to include to make these accurate. In our topic sessions this week we have focussed on map making and created our own maps. The children drew and labelled their own map to show their journey to school; a friend’s house or our walk around the village. We want to say a huge well done to all of the Year 2 children who took part in the Dance Showcase this week. They were absolutely fantas...

Jill Wright visit

On Wednesday afternoon Year 2 had a fascinating talk by Jill Wright a local author who is also an expert on the history of Mulbarton. She has written a local history book which we have been looking at class. She talked to us about the history of the village and showed us lots of photographs. We compared the village now to the village in the past. We are very grateful to Jill for giving up her afternoon and we really enjoyed it.
It has been another busy week in Year 2 as we have continued our Street Detectives topic. In English we learnt our Power of Reading book using the Talk 4 Writing technique. We added actions and practised using our voices to add expression. We then performed to the rest of class. On Thursday, we then wrote statements to explain how we each plan to help look after the world in the future. It was a rather exciting day as we were then able to use a green editing pen and find ways to make our writing even better. In maths we have been learning about statistics and data. We conducted a traffic survey on Tuesday, before using this information to draw a pictogram with our results. We found out that the most popular vehicles in Mulbarton on Tuesday, between 11:15 and 11:35 were white Ford cars! We have also tried to answer some statistics questions but we have all found this rather tricky so far and will continue to practise this at school. In science we made houses out of Leg...

Weekly News

It has been a busy week in Dolphins and Whales. In English we read our new Power of Reading book; 10 things I can do to help my world. We thought about some questions that we had after reading it. “Where does my rubbish go?” “Why should we recycle?” “Why should I turn the tap off?” “Why should we try to walk more rather than using the car?” In our colour groups, we then chose one question to focus on. We used iPads, laptops and non-fiction books to research relevant information and try to answer our question.  From this we then made conservation posters to explain how we can look after our world.  As part of our English, we have been learning about contracted words with apostrophes.  We found out that we can take two words, squash them together and replace some letters with an apostrophe. Do + no = don’t.  Some of us even tried to look for this type of word in books during ERIC time. In maths, we have recapped some of our prior learning a...

Weekly news

It was lovely to see you all back for our brand new year 2020. We hope all of our Dolphin and Whale families had a lovely Christmas and we enjoyed sharing our Christmas memories on our first day back. We have started our new topic, Street Detectives. We started by looking at a map of Mulbarton. Using photographs, we identified different landmarks from the village and spotted them on our maps. Some of us even challenged ourselves to locate the name of the road that each landmark was on. This week has been Inspirational Maths week. This is where we think about having a growth mind set, particularly in maths. We remind ourselves that no one is born with or without a maths brain. Instead we must challenge ourselves and be resilient which will help us become super mathematicians. If we believe, we can achieve anything! To help launch our Street Detectives topic, we went on a trip to the Norfolk Records Office. There, we looked at a map of Mulbarton in the past and compared it to t...