It has been another busy week in Year 2 as we have continued our Street Detectives topic.
In English we learnt our Power of Reading book using the Talk 4 Writing technique. We added actions and practised using our voices to add expression. We then performed to the rest of class. On Thursday, we then wrote statements to explain how we each plan to help look after the world in the future. It was a rather exciting day as we were then able to use a green editing pen and find ways to make our writing even better.
In maths we have been learning about statistics and data. We conducted a traffic survey on Tuesday, before using this information to draw a pictogram with our results. We found out that the most popular vehicles in Mulbarton on Tuesday, between 11:15 and 11:35 were white Ford cars! We have also tried to answer some statistics questions but we have all found this rather tricky so far and will continue to practise this at school.
In science we made houses out of Lego but we did not build a roof. Each group chose a material that they thought would not move if it was windy, and not let in water if it was raining. We tested each roof material and recorded our results. We found out that sticky tape and a rubber glove were the best materials!
In history we looked at different houses from the past and present. We looked at their features and compared them. We would love to explain our learning to you as we walk home from school and spot different houses.
We have recently started a new challenge; Word of the Week. Each week we are selecting a ‘big word’ and explaining to the children what this means and how it is spelt. We are then challenging them to use this in their writing at school to earn 2 house points. If they choose to write a sentence at home with our Word of the Week, they will earn 5 house points.
On Wednesday next week it is the Dance Showcase for the children who are taking part. You will find more information in the newsletter.
Notes and Reminders.
Thank you to all parents/carers that have been into school recently to help with our trips and times out of school. The children have all enjoyed this time and it would not be possible without your help.
On Friday 31st January, we are hosting a history morning. The children are welcome to invite a family member or family friend into school from 11:-11:30. The children are preparing some interview questions to find out about life in the past and how it is different to today.
On Thursday 13th February, we are hosting a Victorian School day. We are inviting the children to come dressed as Victorian school children and bring a packed lunch. There will be more details to follow closer to the day.
Have a lovely weekend
Year 2 team.
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