Weekly News
It has been a busy week in Dolphins and Whales.
In English we read our new Power of Reading book; 10 things I can do to help my world. We thought about some questions that we had after reading it.
“Where does my rubbish go?”
“Why should we recycle?”
“Why should I turn the tap off?”
“Why should we try to walk more rather than using the car?”
In our colour groups, we then chose one question to focus on. We used iPads, laptops and non-fiction books to research relevant information and try to answer our question.
From this we then made conservation posters to explain how we can look after our world.
As part of our English, we have been learning about contracted words with apostrophes.
We found out that we can take two words, squash them together and replace some letters with an apostrophe. Do + no = don’t.
Some of us even tried to look for this type of word in books during ERIC time.
In maths, we have recapped some of our prior learning about multiplication and division. We practised making arrays with concrete resources before drawing them. We are trying hard to remember that division is the inverse of multiplication. We have practised this skill by sharing objects into equal groups.
In geography, we went for a walk around Mulbarton. We took maps with us and tried to spot some of the landmarks and features. It was very exciting when we got to the dentists and remembered that this was once the old National School.
In science we became product designers. We had a list of products that needed to be designed. First we thought of a list of materials and their properties. Using this information, we considered the best material for the job of each product.
Next week we are conducting a traffic survey as part of our maths topic on statistics. We will be walking over to the common to gather research. We will need to take some parent helpers with us. If you are available on Tuesday 21st January between 10:45 and 11:30. Please let the office know if you would be available to come with us. We would advise that the children have wellington boots and rain coats in school for this as the common is rather muddy.
On Friday 31st January the children are inviting grandparents in to school. We are learning about life in the past and the children will be writing a list of questions to find out about how life was. If grandparents are unavailable, the children would love to interview a parent, relative or family friend. This will be taking place at 10:45-11:30.
As mentioned in the newsletter last week, the children are bringing home a phonics book appropriate to their reading level. In order to support their reading, please ensure you share this book with your child and record this in their reading record book. The phonics book will be changed, during guided reading.
Some children have kept to their normal colour band and do not currently have a phonics book. These are changed weekly during guided reading.
Have a lovely weekend
Year 2 team
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