Weekly news
It has been a busy week in Year 2!
We started the week by launching our new Muck, Mess and Mixtures topic through an exciting Messy Morning. What fun we had using our hands to explore a variety of different materials, textures and ingredients! In English, we then took inspiration from our morning and wrote sentences to explain our favourite activity using commas in a list of adjectives…
“My favourite activity was the Gelli Baff because it was warm, red and very gooey.”
“I liked the Splendid Spaghetti because it was slimy, squelchy and as wriggly as a worm.”
We have also started our new Power of reading book where we explored a character and setting before writing expanded noun-phrases to describe what we could see and imagine.
“The fluffy, orange monster lives in a cave.”
“He is a cuddly, friendly monster.”
We later found out that the monster is called Grendel and wrote a character description about him.
In maths we have been learning how to read and write numbers as a numeral and a word. We have been practising spelling these words and correctly forming numbers, and would love it if you practised this with us at home too!
We have also been counting different numbers of objects making sure that we count carefully and double check our answers.
On Tuesday we enjoyed exploring paints and inks to create patterns. One activity involved blowing bubbles in paints and trying to catch them with a piece of paper. The second activity was just as exciting. We dropped coloured ink into a tray of water before mixing. We then laid the paper in the water and revealed another exciting pattern.
On Wednesday we took part in a science experiment to find out what happens when you mix different ingredients with water. We learnt some new scientific vocabulary including; solution, mixture and dissolve – ask us what they mean!
We can now confirm that our PE days will be a Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. The children are welcome to come to school in their PE kits on a Tuesday or continue to change when they arrive at school that morning. On a Thursday the children will change after lunch as normal.
We would really love some parent helpers in Whales and Dolphin Classes. Please let the office know if you would be willing to volunteer a morning or afternoon to help in a class.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 2 team.
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