The last week...

Good Morning Year 2 
Welcome to another week of learning.  

Please see your English and Maths activities for you to complete each day.  
Please see your Science and 2 topic activities to be completed, you can choose when you would like to enjoy them. 
Don’t forget you can also have a go at PE, Marvellous Maths, Phonics, Spanish and Home/Life Skills.  

Try to do a little bit of learning each day, not forgetting your important Bread and Butter Learning. 

Our word of the week this week is: Ammunition 
It means- The material that is fired, scattered, dropped or detonated from a weapon. 
Maybe you could include the word of the week when you are working on topic activities this week. 
Bread and Butter Learning 

  • Read your home reader books, a book from the library or from home. Try to read a little bit every day. There are lots of books on Bug Club. 
  • Practise reading and spelling all the common exception words, these can be found on the blog. Choose the Year 1/2 words or Year 3/4 words. 
  • Practise all the sounds you have learnt in phonics. There are lots of resources for this on Twinkl, Phonics Play and YouTube. 
  • Practise number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Hit The Button is a great game to help you. There are also games on Education City to help. 
  • Practise your handwriting and letter formation using our joined up, cursive handwriting style. There is a help sheet on the blog. 

Monday/Day 1 


Remember, every piece of writing you do should be using pre-cursive letters or cursive joins. See the link at the top of the blog to access our handwriting scheme from home to practise. 

This week is the final full week on our topic and we are going to link our castles topic with the Summer holidays and centre our learning around sandcastles! 
Have you ever built a sandcastle or perhaps seen a fabulous one on holiday? 
First, listen to the adventure story about a boy who built a sandcastle. The Sandcastle by MP Robertson. 
While you listen, think about how Jack is feeling at different points in the story. 
Complete the questions to show your understanding of the story and then if you can, complete the extension task by writing a different ending to the story. 

Task: Can you complete the comprehension questions about the story?  


This week our maths focuses on telling the time. Telling the time, using an analogue clock, is a really important skill that we need to learn and practise. Make sure, this week, you look at a clock and have a go at telling the time at different points during the day.  

Maybe you could write a timetable for your week and consider at what different time you are going to do each activity. 

Today we are practising telling the time to o’clock and half past. 

Remember, o’clock times are when the big minute hand points up to the 12. A half past time is when the big minute hand points down towards the 6. Look closely at the little hour hand to be able to work out the hour. If the hand is halfway between the 5 and the 6, it is half past 6 because it has not yet reached the 6. You can practise this by looking at a number line.  

Watch today’s video to find out more about Lesson 1.  

Task: Can you complete Lesson 1? 

If you feel confident, try the extension challenge. 

Tuesday/Day 2 


Today, we are going to continue our work on The Sandcastle story.  
Listen to the story again to refresh your memory. 
Think about the order of events. Think about what happens first and how that affects what happens next. 
Today your task is to look at the pictures from the story, sequence them and write a sentence to explain what is happening. 
There are sentences to match if you feel you cannot write or need help to remember. 

Task: Can you sequence the pictures and explain what happens in the story? 


Today we will look at telling the time to the nearest quarter of an hour. Remember, if the big minute hand is pointing to the 3 it is a quarter past the hour. If the big minute hand is pointing to the 9, it is a quarter to the hour. Look closely at the little hour hand to see what the hour is.  

Watch today’s video to find out more about Lesson 2.  

Task: Can you complete Lesson 2? 

How did you get on today? For an extra challenge, have a go at the extension. There are 2 extension activities that you can try. Either choose one or both.  

Wednesday/Day 3 


Listen again to the story of The Sandcastle. 
Today we would like you to plan your own adventure story. 
We would like your story to involve a character on a beach making a sandcastle who wishes for this to come to life. 
Can you plan a story about the adventure that happens when the sandcastle comes to life? 
Will your character be transported to a different place or time? 
What will happen to them? 
Who will they meet? 
How will the story end? How do they get back home? 

You can use a story map like we did for our Three Billy Goats Gruff story to plan, you can use the planning sheet we have added or your own way of planning. Remember to include enough detail to help you write your story tomorrow. 
Remember, every piece of writing you do should be using pre-cursive letters or cursive joins. 

Task: Can you plan your own sandcastle adventure story? 


Today we will be telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. 

Remember, each large number around the clock face is 5 minutes. We can count these large numbers in 5s up to 60 because there are 60 minutes in one hour or one whole turn of the big minute hand.  

Work through the PowerPoint to learn how to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. 

Task: Can you complete Lesson 3? 

How did you get on today? Try our extension challenge. 

Thursday/Day 4 


Today we would like you to write your story. You might not get it all done today but you can carry on tomorrow if you need to. 
Try to include lots of exciting vocabulary in your writing and descriptions to make the reader be able to imagine your setting and characters. 
Think about accurate punctuation and spellings and try to extend your sentences with words like and, but, so and because. 
Can you vary your sentence beginnings? 

Think about whether you want to make your story into a little book or write it straight onto paper. 

Remember, every piece of writing you do should be using pre-cursive letters or cursive joins. 

You can add illustrations to your story too. 

Task: Can you begin to write your own sandcastle adventure story? You can finish this off tomorrow if you need to. 


Watch today’s video to find out more about Lesson 4.  

Task: Can you complete Lesson 4? 

Now try the extension challenge. 

Friday/Day 5 


Today we would like you to finish your story. 
Can you finish writing your story today? 
You might want to make your story into a little book. 
Can you include illustrations. 

If you managed to finish your story yesterday you can choose one of our SPAG activities to complete today. 
Remember, every piece of writing you do should be using pre-cursive letters or cursive joins. 

For SPaG, from now until the end of term, you can choose to learn or revisit any of the Year 2 SPaG lessons (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). 
Lessons include: 
  • Apostrophes for possession and contractions 
  • Commas in a list 
  • Compound nouns 
  • Conjunctions  
  • Adjectives 
  • Suffixes 
  • Nouns  
  • Adverbs 
  • Sentences 
  • Homophones 
  • Past and present tense. 

Each week please choose just one PowerPoint and aspect of SPaG to focus on. There are questions and activities that can be completed on each PowerPoint. We have also included some extra challenge cards should you choose to complete them. These will be available for Friday SPaG lessons every week.  


Today we will be finding durations of time. You need to look closely at the clocks and the highlighted blue section. To work out how much time has passed, count the big numbers around the close face in 5s. We will also be trying to work out how much time has passed with some problem solving activities. 

Task: Can you complete Lesson 5? 

Feeling confident? Try the extensions.  


Science (This lesson will be taught on Thursday at school) 

Today we are going to be designing and making a drawbridge. Watch the video of the Dengineers making a castle den with working drawbridge. 

Now it’s your turn to create a drawbridge. Build a castle using cardboard boxes, Lego or a material of your choice but don’t forget to leave room for a drawbridge that works.  

Gather a range of materials that you think might make the best drawbridge. Estimate which material you think will work best and why. Now it’s time to get creative.  

Have a look at this website for instructions and a WAGOLL example for a working drawbridge. 

You could choose to use our worksheet to record your findings or you can create your own method. 

Task: Can you test different materials to make a drawbridge? 

DT (This lesson will be taught on Tuesday at school) 

This week we are concentrating on the defences of a castle. We will be learning all about the different defences tomorrow, but today we are going to look specifically at one type- a catapult. 
Think about why catapults were used. What do you think was used as ammunition? 
A catapult is a simple machine called a lever. You can experiment with the position of your lever to see if it effects the distance your ammunition is fired. Could you set up some paper cups and see if you could use your catapult to knock them down? Could you investigate how far you could fire different types of soft ammunition? Which is best? 
Choose a catapult and create one. There are some pictures to help and guide you. 
SAFETY- be careful about choosing your ammunition and where you fire your catapult. ONLY use soft ammunition such as cotton wool balls, pom-poms or ping-pong balls. NEVER fire at a person.  
It would be best to test your catapult outside away from danger. 

Task: Can you design and make a catapult?  

History (This lesson will be taught on Wednesday at school) 

This week we would like you to find out about the different ways of defending a castle. 
Watch the BBC Bitesize video and have a go at some of the activities on this page. 
Can you draw a picture of a castle and label the defences? Can you explain why they were effective? 
If you would like a challenge, imagine you were building a castle, can you draw a picture of it and explain the features you would include to help defend your castle? 

Task: Can you investigate the different ways of defending a castle? 

Additional learning activities 


Each week please choose just one Outdoor phonics challenge to focus on. These will be available for phonics each week.  

Remember, every piece of writing you do should be using pre-cursive letters or cursive joins. 

Marvellous Maths 

Each week please choose just one maths topic and complete the challenge cards. You can choose which level of ‘chilli challenge’ to complete.  

Bronze: Nice and spicy 
Silver: It’s getting hot  
Gold: Burning up 

Topics include: 
  • Addition and subtraction 
  • Fractions 
  • Geometry  
  • Measurement 
  • Multiplication and division 
  • Place value 

Try to complete all the challenge cards over the next few weeks but focus mainly on the topics you find most challenging.  


You can choose from any of the Get Set 4 PE activities and challenges. These will be available every week on the blog.  


Today we are going to learn about the weather in Spanish. Watch the video to learn 10 weather phrases in Spanish.  
Can you practise these with someone at home? 
Can you play the 5 en raya (5 in a row) game with someone at home? Instructions are included. 
Can you complete the Spanish weather activity sheet?  

Home/Life Skills 

This week we would like you to write a letter. 
This letter could be to a friend or family member or you could write a lovey letter to your new teacher. 
Write about what you have been doing, what you like and what you are looking forward to doing. 
You could ask an adult to help you visit the post office to buy a stamp. Can you find out how to address a letter and where to place the stamp? 
Post your letter and hope for a reply! 
Or... you could email your letter if it is easier. 

Don’t forget to send us an e-mail every week to let us know how you are and share some of the fun activities that you have been learning about at home. We look forward to hearing from you. We are now in school every day with Key Worker children and Year 1 children. Please note that we are still reading and responding to e-mails however there may be a slight delay in responses. We hope to reply to you as soon as we can. Thank you for your understanding.  
Year 2 Team. 


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