Weekly News
This week in Year 2 we have been busy starting our Christmas Play, ‘Countdown to Christmas’. We have started learning the songs, our lines and our acting roles on the stage. We have really enjoyed our rehearsals and look forward to practising with you at home.
In English we have started looking at the features of riddles. We then used our knowledge of food, muck, mess and mixtures to solve simple riddles. In our classes we then wrote our own riddles. On Wednesday we then selected our own object to write a riddle about. Some of us challenged ourselves to include rhyming words and alliteration.
In maths we have continued our topic of addition. On Monday we used number lines to add three numbers. On Thursday we practised adding on blank number lines in chunks of 10s and 1s.
In science we started to learn about states of matter. We found out that things are a solid, liquid or gas. We made strawberry jelly and watched as it transformed from a solid jelly tablet into a liquid as we poured boiling water onto it. We even noticed that the steam from the kettle was a gas!
In RE we used our knowledge of Christianity and Judaism to compare a selection of objects. We sorted them according to their religions before explaining why each object is important.
On Tuesday 26th November, next week, we are going to Easton College for our Multi Skills trip. Please could the children come to school dressed in their school PE kit and ensure they have a named bottle of water and a named coat. We will be returning to school in time for lunch.
On Wednesday 4th December the children would like to invite you to visit our after school art gallery. We will be working hard to draw and design a Muck, Mess and Mixtures masterpiece to complete our first Year 2 topic. The gallery will be open from 3:20-4:00 in Whales and Dolphins Classrooms.
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