Weekly news
have had another fabulous week in Year 2 and have been busy with lots of fun
and exciting activities.
English we have continued our work on instructions and we have drawn texts maps
of instructions to help us remember the key features. We have written a collaborative
set of instructions for own revolting recipe. We had lots of fun and came up
with some very creative ideas.
Maths we have practised our subtraction skills by completing some subtraction
word problems and we have learnt about one more and one less and ten more and
ten less. Children could continue to practise this at home this week.
our topic work this week we have done an amazing Science investigation about
fizzy colours. We found out what happened when we mixed bicarbonate of soda
with vinegar and added food colouring! This would be a fun activity for the
children to show you at home.
have also been busy this week beginning to practise for the Christmas play. We
have given out the parts and children who have a speaking part have brought
their lines home to learn. We will let you know what we need the children to
wear as costumes closer to the time.
you all so much for your support with and enthusiastic comments about our reading
café this week. It was lovely to see you all there. Just to let you know the
initial delay in the start time of the café was due to a queue for tea and
coffee. For health and safety reasons we couldn’t bring the children through
until hot drinks were finished which did mean a bit of a later start. Thank you
for your understanding with this. Thank also you for your lovely feedback which
we will pass on to the Senior Leadership Team. We hope you enjoyed it as much
as we did.
can you remind your children to bring their spelling books on a Monday and also
a reminder that all children need a coat and a pair of wellies in school as we
try to avoid indoor playtimes as much as possible to enable the children to
have time outside.
a lovely weekend,
Year 2 Team.
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