Weekly news
Weekly news
We have had another lovely
week in Year 2 and the children have worked really hard.
We have done some fantastic
work in English all about chocolate. We listened to Michael Rosen’s poem called
‘Chocolate’ and began thinking of our own ideas for a poem about chocolate. We
each held a chocolate button in our hands and thought about how to describe it
using our five senses. We even got to eat the melted chocolate! We then worked
collaboratively in our colour groups to write a poem. We thought of some
wonderful ideas and were really proud of our work.
In Maths we have been
practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and have begun to learn how to count
in 3’s. We played an excellent game using our counting skills. We have been
practising our Maths skills in a new whole class activity called ‘Fast Maths’
which we are loving.
In our topic work this week
we have carried out lots of exciting activities. We created some Carl Warner
landscapes using pictures of food from magazines which look brilliant. In
Science we carried out an investigation into what happens when we put ice cubes
into baby oil and let them melt. We thought about the scientific skills of
predicting and observing changes over time.
We are looking forward to
our trip to the synagogue next week. Please make sure you have handed in the
permission slip.
Please could we remind you
that children need their spelling books in school each day as we often have
daily activities involving practising spellings.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Year 2 team
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