Weekly News
This week in Year 2, we have been learning all about chocolate!
In History we learnt about John Cadbury and the creation of Cadbury’s chocolate. We made a timeline and plotted the key events. We found this very interesting to learn that John Cadbury’s business started off as a tea and coffee shop.
In Geography, we used our knowledge of chocolate so far, to find out the start of the chocolate journey and where it comes from. We learnt that chocolate starts off as a cocao pod before being harvested for the cocao beans and shipped off to factories to be made into chocolate bars.
We have also enjoyed a range of chocolatey themed Daily Activities including: making a chocolate factory with lego; designing a new chocolate bar and wrapper; using chocolate playdough and completing a chocolate word search.
In English, we made our own predictions about how our Power of Reading book would end. We designed a story map to show this and tried hard to remember consistent punctuation. On Wednesday we read to the end of the Grendel story to see if our ideas were right. We discussed what we liked and disliked about the book and wrote a book review to tell other people all about the story.
In Maths we have been learning how to compare objects and numbers using the symbols > greater than, < less than and = equal to. We enjoyed looking closely at maths apparatus and number sentences and then comparing them with our own Chomp The Greedy Crocodile maths symbol!
The children who are taking part in the dance showcase will have received a letter confirming their place. Our first session took place on Tuesday while the rest of the year group had an exciting PE lesson outside.
Notes and Reminders
Please could the children have their yellow spelling books in their book bags every day as we often use them as a daily activity or for spelling practise sessions in school. Please support your child to learn to read and spell these words correctly to support their developing writing and English skills.
If your child uses Lexia please help them to complete their minutes at home.
On Tuesdays we have our PE lessons straight away in the morning. We will send PE kits home on a Monday night and encourage the children to come to school ready in their PE kits on Tuesday. Please can the children bring their normal school uniform to change into before lunch.
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