Weekly News

Weekly News

It has been a busy week in Year 2 as we have continued our Muck, Mess and Mixtures topic.

In English we have started to read our Power of Reading book and find out more about our little orange monster Grendel. We found out that he LOVES chocolate so we filled a heart with all of the things that we love before writing sentences using conjunctions to explain why we love these things so much.
“I love my family because they are so nice and kind to me.”
“I love my cat because she is so fluffy and always gives nice cuddles.”
As we read a little more of the story, Grendel’s mum gave him a chocolate egg with a note inside which said Grendel would have three wishes. Grendel wishes for everything he touches to turn to chocolate! We debated whether this would be a good or bad wish before thinking of our own wishes using conjunctions.

In maths we have been partitioning numbers into hundreds, tens and ones using waffles, chips and peas! We have all been very aspirational and are so excited to share our wonderful learning with you at home. We used the dienes to practice making numbers before drawing them in our books.

In science we enjoyed a practical experiment to find out which material, when mixed with water, would create the foamiest bubbles. We made our own science predication before testing to find our conclusion.
On Friday, we enjoyed a food tasting experiment and tried a variety of foods from around the world before writing sentences to explain our favourite food that we had tried. We had so much fun and we were all so inquisitive!

In RE we recapped everything we had learnt in Year 1 about Judaism. We could remember lots of facts! We then learnt about the story of Hanukah and why Jewish people celebrate this special time. We drew pictures of our special places and explained why they are important to us.

The children have brought home a dance showcase letter this week. There are 30 spaces available for the whole year group. Please ensure you return this letter by next Wednesday. If there are more than 30 applicants, we will draw names from a hat. It looks to be a very entertaining evening.

The children also now have access again to Bug Club Active Learn and Education City.
Bug Club log on passwords are:
School Code: 99kq

If you have not yet received this it will be in your child's reading record book by Monday.
These are fabulous online resources which the children love using at school.
On Bug Club the children will be assigned their reading level book band and can earn points by completing reading comprehension questions based on the book that they are reading.

Please ensure children have their PE kits in school on a Tuesday and Thursday, including a pair of outside shoes and spare socks. Please could every item of PE kit be labeled to make sure that the children come home with the correct uniforms.

On Monday, the children will be bringing home their first set of spellings to practice. Please support us by assisting your child to learn these words ready for a weekly quiz. This will help the children to become more independent writers as the year progresses.

Have a lovely weekend,
Year 2 Team


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