We’ve had an exciting and fun week this week in Year 2.
In English we have been looking back on our time in Year 2, then writing letters to the current Year 1 children, telling them all about the experiences we’ve had so that they know what to expect next year.
In maths we have been looking at telling the time.  Cementing our understanding of the basic times on the clock, and then working out problems using time.  We were given such problems as working out a timetable for somebody’s day, if we knew how long each activity started.  We are so confident with telling the time now, we should be able to go to bed on time without any fuss!!
In science we have been looking at how baby animals grow in to adults.  We have also been examining how different animals change from babies to adults, for example the changes that butterflies go through from caterpillars.
We have been singing sea shanties in music and exploring how and why sailors used to sing while they were at sea.  We have also been looking at the work of the RNLI and comparing how sea rescues have changed over time.
Next week, could I please remind you to bring your child to the upper school playground to line up in their new classes before the start of school, they practised this at school on Friday .  They will be spending the first part of the week working with their new teachers as part of our transition programme.
Have a good weekend, nearly the end of term.


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