Weekly news 1.2.19

We started off the week by writing a setting description about the castle books that we made last week. The children described the inside, who lived there and the defensive features. Later in the week we had a class debate about the Princess’s dilemma. The White Bear had told her not to listen to her Mother’s advice and she promised that she wouldn’t. We made a ‘conscience alley’ which is a drama technique where the children make two lines and someone walks down the middle in role as the princess. As they walked through the alley children on either side gave reasons why she should listen to Mum or why she should listen to the Bear. We concluded that you should always listen to your Mum because ‘Mum’s know best’.
In Maths this week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We learnt the names, number of sides, vertices, edges and faces. At the end of the week we looked at finding symmetry in shapes.
In Topic, we revised food chains by looking at what polar bears ear. We focussed on the vocabulary: ‘producer’, ‘consumer’, ‘predator’ and ‘prey’.
We have noticed that some children do not have as many comments in their reading record as we would ideally like. Please could you read with your children at home as much as possible and make a comment in their reading record. Reading at home has such a positive impact on progress and would benefit all children.
We will be having a spelling test next Friday on a selection of the words we have sent home.
The Dance Showcase went amazingly well. We are SO proud of all the children! Not only did they perform with confidence and enjoyment, but we also had many comments from other school about how well-behaved they were throughout the email.


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