This week, in English, we have written our newspaper reports about the ‘great sculpture robbery’ that took place in the art gallery of our book ‘Claude in the City’. The children wrote a headline, drew a picture with a caption and included lots of real facts and quotes from local people. We have used the opportunity to discuss the features of non-fiction texts. In the afternoons, we have been busy completing Easter and spring craft activities. The children really enjoyed making their bouncing chicks and chocolate Easter nests in baskets. On Thursday, we had a wonderful time on our school trip. The children found out lots of information about the Sainsbury Centre and completed some sketching activities. After Easter, we will be continuing our work on non-fiction by making leaflets/guidebooks for the Sainsbury Centre using the information we collected. We have had our final practise of our ‘special booklets’ (SATs) ready for May and we are pleased with the progress that the child...