Weekly news
We had a lovely, Energetic start to our week with our visit to Easton & Ottley College to take part in the Norwich SSP’s Multskills Festival. The students at the college put on lots of exciting activities that allowed children to practise many PE and Sport skills. We took part alongside 4 other schools and had lots of fun. On Tuesday we also enjoyed a Karate workshop which was enjoyed by all. In English this week the children wrote a story for their pet pebble that they made on Monday afternoon. This was a completely ‘cold’ task which meant there was no teacher input. The only element they had to include was it had to be set on an island. The children had lots of interesting ideas and worked really hard. It was also a very good assessment tool. As a result, we will be working with the children on proof reading their work to check for full stops and capital letters. Later in the week we continued looking at our book ‘The Storm Whale’. We created a ‘conscience alley’ where the c...